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Ganoderma lucidum – also known as Reishi, is the best known and most well studied of all the medicinal mushrooms also known as "the KING of Herbs". It has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for at least 5000 years. It is known in China as Ling Zhi, and is considered to be “The Mushroom of Immortality.


Reishi is the most potent adaptogen available. Adaptogens are those herbs and other substances that increase the body’s resistance to stress and help it overcome health challenges more quickly.

Each bottle contains 90 supplements of pure, certified organic extract of Ganoderma Reishi in each Vegetarian capsule.


There are no fillers, flow agents or anything but Pure Concentrated Full Spectrum Reishi.


100% Organic

100% Kosher

100% Fair Trade


Ganoderic Acids B, D, F, H, K, Mf, R, S, T-0, Y, Ganodermadiol, Alkaloids, Anti Oxidants, Protein, Lingzhi 8, Plant Sterols







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Organic Reishi Mushroom

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