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The Truth About GMOs!

There have been a lot of controversy around GMOs. Quite frankly, they are difficult to identify. This is because there are some farms who have been practicing organic-style growing for years, but never needed the label until now. I have personally spoken with farm owners who don't want to go through the trouble of being tested & approved, because of the extensive process & costs. They will keep producing organic goods, but without the label.

So, how do we identify these organic products that aren't labeled? This is why it is important to build relationships with your local farms & brands, either directly or through your local farmer's market.

The truth about GMOs.

GMOs & their related chemical pesticides have long been pushed heavily by establishment Republicans. That’s another important reminder why it’s good to never be swept into a political party. Rather, evaluate each candidate based on their principles & actions.

Even though the 45th president is far from an “establishment” Republican, to the frustration of health-conscious Americans, he just signed an executive order that might as well be called “the GMO Streamlining Act.” As reported by the Associated Press, this executive order directs federal agencies to reduce or eliminate regulations & oversight mechanisms that might help ensure the safety of genetically engineered crops.

In other words, the president just ordered the federal government to turn American into a massive GMO experiment where anything goes.

“The move comes as companies are turning to newer genetic engineering techniques that make it easier to tinker with the traits of plants & animals,” reports AP, meaning that regulations are being dropped at exactly the moment in history when easy, low-cost genetic modification methods such as CRISPR are rapidly emerging, placing GE technology into the hands of small companies & even determined individuals.

Under the new rules, modern-day GMO corn & soybean crops would have never been subjected to safety testing at all.

As AP reports:

Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture proposed changing its regulations in a way that would mean much of the genetically modified corn & soy grown in the U.S. today would not necessarily have been subject to special oversight.

In addition, the new streamlining would relax regulatory oversight of genetically engineered animals. One of my concerns in all this is that genetic engineering without limits would enable the launch of “animal organ factories” where animals are subjected to extreme cruelty as they grow organs for transplantation into humans, all to the benefit of the organ harvesting & transplant industry.

The second betrayal of health freedom & food transparency by the 45th president.

This move by the current president signals the second significant betrayal of health-conscious Americans. His first betrayal revolves around vaccines & the issue of medical consent. While the president expressed skepticism during the 2016 presidential debates about the safety of multiple vaccines administered to infants & children, he flipped during the recent measles scare, urging Americans to “get the shot.”

As Information Liberation reports:

Americans have shown time & time again they don’t want GMO garbage & they don’t want to be Monsanto’s guinea pigs.

Remember how when the current president was running for office, he met with Robert F. Kennedy & said he would have him chair a commission to investigate vaccine safety?

Just as with his promised executive order on birthright citizenship before the midterms, his promised vaccine safety commission never materialized.

With the 45th president now seemingly siding with Monsanto / Bayer over the near-deregulation of genetically engineered foods, his second betrayal of health-conscious consumers will have many people asking what’s coming next. Will he also promote Big Pharma’s mass drugging of children with psychiatric drugs? What corporate chemical horror will the current president back next?

Will anyone in charge stand up against corporate greed?

In fairness, had Hillary Clinton been elected president, there’s no question she would have aggressively pushed GMOs & mandatory vaccines, all while covering up her own deep-rooted corruption & repeated abuses of government power. Regardless, those of us who care deeply about health freedom & clean food must now begin to question the current president's authenticity as a candidate who promised to challenge the status quo & drain the swamp.

When it comes to science, there is no deeper or swampier swamp than the GMO industry & its long history of fake science, intimidation of journalists & payoffs to government regulators. By signing this executive order, the 45th president just poured more putrid swamp juice right into the swamp.

He has arguably stood against the establishment on many important issues, but if he’s going to blindly push GMOs & vaccines while utterly failing to take any decisive action against the coordinated tech censorship of independent media, hopefully he’s going to lose the election in 2020 as his former supporters lose faith in his proclaimed mission.

None of us who supported the current president as an “outsider” in 2016 are going to feel compelled to vote for him again if he’s beholden to establishment corporate interests...& if he doesn’t solve the techno-fascism censorship issue before the completion of the 2020 election, he’ll lose it for that reason anyway.

If there is no candidate that gets people excited about the 2020 election, then intelligent people will stay home & not vote at all, in which case the Democrats win from the sheer numbers of fraudulent illegal left-wing voters, & America will collapse into San Francisco-like conditions of high taxation, human feces running in the city streets, & an authoritarian police state that controls what you are allowed to think, speak, watch or share. This is the overt goal of the left-wing fascists who currently run the tech monopolies that dominate online speech. They have already demonstrated they have zero respect for individual liberty, freedom of speech or the rule of law.

Why is it so hard for a political leader to support safe food & medical choice?

Those of us who care deeply about health freedom & food transparency do not make unreasonable demands. We simply want vaccines to be a choice, not a gunpoint mandate...& we want safety oversight on genetically engineered foods & pesticides, along with honest food labeling.

As a counter-argument to all this, by the way, if genetically engineered foods could be planted by anyone without any real government regulation, then Monsanto / Bayer might stand to lose its dominant market position due to new market entry by small organizations. Effectively, reducing regulations could drastically reduce barriers to entry in the GMO industry, allowing smaller, lesser-funded companies to introduce seeds & crops that would take revenues away from Bayer & other GMO giants. But the environmental risks that could be unleashed in such a scenario might be catastrophic, given that genetically engineered crops are self-replicating, non-natural organisms which are being planted in open fields and would therefore spread with unknown consequences that could conceivably cause tremendous economic harm to U.S. agriculture in the long run.

We’ll watch closely & see where this is going.

But as I’ve always said, we are not blind supporters of any political leader. We support people based on their principles & their actions. Simply stated, if the current president is going to push GMOs & vaccines, then he is abandoning the people. It’s very difficult to explain this away as some form of “4D chess” where he would one day flip it all around & cause powerful corporations to lose money from the sales of their toxic crops and agricultural chemicals. Far from 4D chess, this action by the president looks a whole lot more like a simple 1D sellout.


Sound off in the comments below & tell us what you think. Help us send notice to the 45th president that we demand safe food, honest labeling & medical choice…& that if he cannot support these fundamental principles rooted in basic human rights, he does not deserve to represent our country & what we stand for as a people.

Carmelle H.

INHC/Doctor of Holistic Wellness & Healing

Below are a few resources to help you choose wisely!

Chains refuse to carry genetically-modified salmon - CBS This Morning

This is a clip from the documentary about Monsanto & the agenda behind GMO seeds, called GMO OMG.

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